EuroCham Committee Summit 2023
12 September 2023
As an EuroCham Board Member and Chairman of the Human Resources Committee, Mr. CHHEAV Narath, gave a speech during the EuroCham Committee Summit 2023 along with other committees on the significance of regional connectivity in advocacy efforts, the use of unofficial gatherings as a means of coordinating advocacy priorities, and the exploration of alternative techniques for carrying out advocacy work.
EuroCham Committee Summit was hosted by the EuroCham’s Advocacy Department, preceding the Annual General Meeting on September 12, 2023, bringing together the leadership of the 12 sectoral committees of the chamber to talk about the future course of action.
After Covid, the advocacy department's activity increased, with more meetings, events, elections, and—most importantly—more committee initiatives to advance a progressive business agenda. Some of this work will be shown at two forthcoming events. First, the 2024 White Book will be released at the ASEAN-Cambodia Business Summit on September 28. Secondly, the digital Advocacy Compass, which is the White Book's electronic counterpart, will be made available.
Source: EuroCham Cambodia LinkedIn Page