EuroCham's HR Forum: Pathways to success
25 April 2024
On Thursday, April 25th, at Oakwood Premier Phnom Penh, Mr. CHHEAV Narath, Managing Director of CoGen HR, Management Academy, Consulting Group, Board of Directors, and Chairman of the HR Committee of EuroCham, will be delivering the introduction and closing remarks in EuroCham's HR Forum: Pathways to Success. There would be a presence of H.E. HENG Sour, Minister at the Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training, and Mr. Mark COSGROVE, Managing Director, APAC at PROAKTIV® Management Asia and Partner at COGEN Consulting Group, who will also be giving a speech on the topic of "Investing in the Quality of People" and a panelist in the discussion of methods to upskill your employee: self-investment or investing in TVET school.
Details on the agenda:
Source: EuroCham LinkedIn Page