Meeting Discussion of Industrial Relations Sector Group

08 February 2024

Mr. CHHEAV Narath, Managing Director of CoGen HR, Management Academy, and Consulting Group, Member of the EuroCham Board of Directors, and Chairman of the Human Resources Committee, Member of Group 8, Industrial Relations Sector of Private Sector Working Groups, attended the discussion meeting on February 8, 2024. 

At the General Department of the Cambodian Chamber of Commerce, a discussion meeting of the Private Sector Working Group, "Industrial Relations Section,” of the Royal Government-Private Sector Forum was held and chaired by Oknha Bandith NANG Sothy, Co-Chair of the Private Sector Working Group. The meeting was also attended by the Deputy Co-Chair of the Private Sector Working Group, representatives of the Federation of Employers and Trade Associations of Cambodia, representatives of the Cambodian Pharmacists Association, representatives of the European Chamber of Commerce, representatives of the Cambodian Shoes Association, and other members of the private sector Group 8th/H.

The purpose of this meeting is to continue the discussion on old challenges that are concerning to the private sector in relation to the field of industrial relations and to raise new challenges that the private sector is also facing in order to request a solution from the partner, which is the Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training. It should be noted that this private sector meeting is the first in 2024, after the 19th Royal Government-Private Sector Forum held in November 2023.