National minimum wage council meeting - nmwc
15 August 2022
On August 15, Mr Narath CHHEAV, EuroCham, Board Member and Chairman of the chamber’s HR Committee, participated in the first consultative meeting of the National Council for Minimum Wage to discuss the minimum wage for employees in the Garment, Textile, Footwear, Travel Products and Bags Sector in 2023.
The meeting was chaired by H.E. Dr ITH Samheng, Minister of Labour and Vocational Training (MLVT) and President of the Council.
As a member of the council, EuroCham Cambodia joined this first meeting to obtain updated economic statistics that will be used to determine the minimum wage next year. These statistics were presented by H.E. HENG Sour, Secretary of State of the MLVT.
Each member of the council will discuss within their organization to internally determine the minimum wage and submit recommendations to the council in upcoming meetings.
There will be six more meetings convened to finalize the minimum wage determination. The last meeting will take place on 23 September 2022, and soon after this final meeting, the MLVT will issue a Prakas to officially set the minimum wage for 2023.
Source: EuroCham Cambodia